14 January 2010

Here goes nothing.

About 3 months ago I got a new camera.

Actually I guess this adventure started way before that. As long as I can remember, I've loved pictures. I loved taking pictures, I loved being in pictures. I loved the way a camera could capture a moment, a memory, an emotion, on a tiny piece of film and you could put it in an album that would last forever.

Then I moved to Laie, Hawaii. And it's here that I realized my love for photography could be something more then bossing my family around during the holidays and paying my little brother 2 bucks to pose for me. In this little town, surrounded by people like Natalie Norton, Mark Lee, and Leeyen Lobendahn, photography giants who's talents with the camera amaze me constantly, my love for photography, my admiration for those who do it, and my desire to be a part of it grew.

Until one fateful day when my husband, my dear, dear husband, dropped my good old Sony Snapshot. Gone. This tragedy, however, made way for a new camera, and finally a chance for me to make a move on my photography dreams and just get started.

And so I have. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? And I have started, right at the very beginning. Having no real experience, or education in photography or any art whatsoever, only a desire to be better.

This blog will hopefully be a place for others, but mostly myself, to see my photography grow, and change, and be better.

And if not, it'll be a great place to store pictures.

Happy Snapping!


Unknown said...

I'm so excited for YOU!!!
I know you'll do great.
PS: you paid your brother to pose?
PSS: and YAY for husbands who break point and shoot cameras!!!

Unknown said...

YAY for you, Sarah. Your initial shoots are great and you will only get better and better from here on out. I love your little 'lessons learned' tips at the end of each post. Good luck, I'm excited to see what else you have coming!

kuaback said...

loverly...great job girl..you're truly on your way..hehehe